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:: Adventure Sports

White Water Rafting
One of the adventure sports that Sikkim offers you is river rafting. The snow fed mountain rivers Teesta and Rangit that descend from their icy heights across high cliff suspended gorges and torturous, boulder-strewn beds offers you a unbeatable challenge. Amateurs and first timers have their choice of quieter waters, but with promise of a passage through some of picturesque riverside of Himalayan rivers.

Professionals can run the better known and popular routes on rapids grade III - IV and V. Options include a half day scenic run for amateurs on low waters and the choice of overnight river side camps adds to the beauty in the entire adventure.
Teesta is ideal for both paddle rafting and oar rafting, and brings fresh excitement for adventure lovers. The rivers of Sikkim simply sparkle and beckon.

The swift waters of Sikkim flows over rocks and crags, turbulent and delirious. Flanked on both the sides by steep cliffs and lush green forests, the river rages on, dissipating its energy only when it reaches the plains. This churning, frothing water is just perfect for white water rafting. It's a struggle with elemental forces, a thrilling adventure which takes you right into the heart of Himalayan fury. You have to try and tame the untamable. And later as you rest, all passions spent, you will want to re-live the experience over and over again.



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